Olympia Agalianou

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Grecia

Olympia Agalianou

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Ha conseguito un dottorato di ricerca in pedagogia, lauree in educazione fisica/scienze sportive, in danza e in musica.
Si è diplomata dopo due anni di corso post-laurea in musica e danza Orff-Schulwerk.
Ha studiato danza terapia ed epistemologia sistemica.
E’ co-autore di libri di educazione fisica per la scuola dalla prima alla quarta elementare e in molti altri libri collettivi. Ha pubblicato su riviste accademiche.
Come danzatrice e coreografa ha collaborato con teatri comunali greci, conservatori e compagnie artistiche.
Offre seminari in Grecia e all’estero.
È docente permanente presso il Dipartimento di Educazione della prima infanzia dell’Università Nazionale Capodistriana di Atene (NKUA).
Insegna nei programmi post-laurea della NKUA, dell’Università Democrito della Tracia, dell’Università Ionica di Corfù e dell’Università Europea di Cipro. È presidente onorario dell’Associazione Ellenica Orff-Schulwerk.

She holds PhD in pedagogy, degrees in physical education/sport science, in dance and in music.
Graduate two years postgraduate course in Orff-Schulwerk music and dance education. She has studied dance therapy and systemic epistemology.
She is a co- author in the physical education school books for the 1st – 4th grades and in many others collective books.
She has publications in academic journals.
As a dancer and choreographer she has collaborated with Greek Municipal Theatres, conservatories and artistic companies.
She is giving seminars in Greece and abroad. She is Permanent Teaching Staff in the Department of Early Childhood Education of Nantional and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA).
She is teaching in post graduate programs of NKUA, Democritus University of Thrace, Ionian University in Corfu and European University Cyprus. She is Honorary President of Hellenic Orff-Schulwerk Association.

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